Donors: EU (IPA II)
Partners: Municipality of Struga (North Macedonia) - leader, Municipality of Pogradec (Albania), Green Institute and IRD&ET (Pogradec, Albania).
Implementation time: 01/2022-12/2025
Budget: 955,760 EUR
Green Institute budget:
Donors: EU (IPA II)
Partners: Municipality of Struga (North Macedonia) - leader, Municipality of Pogradec (Albania), Green Institute and IRD&ET (Pogradec, Albania).
Implementation time: 01/2022-12/2025
Budget: 955,760 EUR
Green Institute budget:
Donors: ERASMUS+ PROGRAME (KA2 Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good)
Partners: Institut pro regionalni rozvoj o.p.s. - Czech Republic, leader; Ecocenter Alapítvány - Hungary; Academia Postal 3 Vigo S.L. - Spain; Association of Environmentally Sustainable Development Green Institute Skopje - North Macedonia and ASK Development d.o.o. - Slovenia.
Implementation time: 09/2020-8/2022
Implementation time:
Donors: Foundation Bureau de Helling Democracy Development Abroad, Nederland.
Implementation time: 01/2021-12/2021
Budget: 32.000 EUR
Donors: EU (IPA II) 2019 Action Programme – Inclusion.
Partners: Municipality of Stip – leader, Municipality of Berovo, Green Institute.
Implementation time: 01/2021-12/2023
Donors: Foundation Bureau de Helling Democracy Development Aboard, Nederland.
Implementation time: 01/2020-12/2020
Budget: 40.484 EUR